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Their diverse, opulent blooms shine from summer well into autumn and create impressive accents. Whether as a solitary plant or in combination with grasses and other summer flowers, dahlias, also called dahlias or, more rarely, dahlias, fit perfectly into any garden concept. They also delight in vases as long-lasting cut flowers and attract attention. Regular pruning extends the plant's flowering period, ensuring a constant display of new colors.

Dahlias are the perfect flowers for transforming any garden or balcony into a colorful sea of ​​blossom. Their diverse, opulent blooms shine from summer well into autumn, creating impressive accents. Whether as a solitary plant or in combination with grasses and other summer flowers, dahlias fit perfectly into any garden concept. Dahlias are also a real eye-catcher as a long-lasting cut flower in a vase. Regular pruning promotes continuous flower production and allows you to enjoy magnificent dahlia blossoms throughout the summer and autumn.

In our Gartenzauber online shop, you can purchase an exclusive selection of high-quality dahlia tubers. We have selected the most beautiful varieties for you and cultivated them at our Bissenbrooker flower farm in Schleswig-Holstein. Also discover our own varieties, such as the ball dahlia Katja Spezial , which blooms in a unique, smoky raspberry hue.

Browse our range now, order your tubers for various dahlia varieties and many other items for your flowerbed conveniently online, and bring summer directly to your home!

Zur Seitennummerierung
Ab 9. November

Dahlia Cecil

Ab 9. November

Dahlia Chewy

1 von 2

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dahlia tubers can be started indoors in a frost-free area starting in March and planted outdoors starting in May, as soon as night frosts are no longer expected. You can find out more in our Dahlia 1 x 1 .

The planting depth depends on the size of the dahlia tubers. 15 centimeters is ideal, about the depth of a spade. The tubers should be placed loosely in the hole, with the emerging shoots at the root collar covered with about 3 to 5 centimeters of soil. You can find more information in our Dahlia 1 x 1 .

Der Pflanzabstand zwischen den Dahlienknollen oder der Nachbarpflanze richtet sich nach der Wuchshöhe der Dahlien. Als Faustformel gilt, dass die Pflanzen halb so breit werden wie sie hoch werden:

  • 80 bis 100 cm für hohe Sorten bis maximal ca. 180 cm
  • 60 bis 70 cm für mittelhohe Dahlien bis 120 cm Höhe
  • 30 bis 40 cm für niedrige Beet-Dahlien.

If the soil is good, fertilization is not necessary. Otherwise, you should fertilize with a heaped tablespoon of organic fertilizer or a complete mineral fertilizer two to three weeks after the shoots appear. This process can be repeated in July, before flowering begins. In the fall, you should stop fertilizing to allow the tubers to ripen more quickly.

Although dahlias are perennial, they are not winter-hardy in German climates. After the first frost, you should cut the plants back to about 15 centimeters. Leave the dahlia tubers in the ground for about another week to allow them to fully ripen. In dry weather, carefully lift them with a digging fork and gently shake off the soil. Store the dahlia tubers in a frost-free, cool, and dry place, such as a shed or cellar. Temperatures between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius are ideal. Remember to label the tubers so you can distinguish between the varieties next year.


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