Garden anemones are the perfect choice for a colorful spring planting. These flowers, also known as windflowers, are robust and relatively easy to care for. Their lush blooms captivate with their graceful shapes and variety of colors. Not only in the garden, but also in floral arrangements, the anemone brings a special elegance and joy to your day.
In our Gartenzauber online shop, you can purchase an exclusive selection of anemone bulbs. We've carefully selected special varieties for you, from delicate lavender tones like "Mistral Pale" to the bold berry tones of "Mistral Plus Grape."
You can order the most beautiful anemone bulbs at any time in the Gartenzauber online shop.

Anemone 'Mistral Plus® Panda' - 10 tubers

Anemone 'Mistral Plus® Rarity' - 10 tubers

Anemone 'Mistral Plus® Azurro' - 10 tubers

Anemone 'Mistral Plus® Grape' - 10 tubers

Anemone 'Mistral Plus® Blu' - 10 tubers

Anemone 'Mistral® Pale' - 10 tubers

Anemone 'Mistral Plus® Fuchsia' - 10 tubers
Buy garden magic anemones for your spring garden

Order anemone bulbs and enjoy these elegant flowers in your garden
Durch den eigenen Anbau von den Windröschen setzt du charmante Akzente, besonders wenn im Frühjahr noch nicht viel Blühendes zu sehen ist. In unserem Sortiment an Anemonen-Zwiebeln findest du stets besondere Sorten für schöne Frühlingssträuße. Zusätzlich zu den Anemonen-Blumen bieten wir im Gartenzauber Online Shop auch zauberhafte italienische Ranunkeln an, die ebenfalls im Frühjahr blühen und die Vielfalt der Anemonen wunderbar ergänzen.
Starte deinen eigenen Frühlingsgarten oder bringe neues Leben und farbenfrohe Freude in dein Beet: Mit unserem sorgfältig zusammengestellten Sortiment an Garten-Anemonen gehört Langeweile im Garten und auf dem Balkon der Vergangenheit an. Für jeden Geschmack und Stil haben wir liebevoll verschiedene Sorten ausgewählt. Die eleganten, reinweißen Blüten mit dunklem Auge der „Mistral Plus Panda“ strahlen Anmut und Eleganz aus, während die „Mistral Plus Pinkie“ mit ihren lebendigen Korallpink-Tönen Farbe ins Spiel bringt.
Dank der großen Vielfalt an Anemonen-Blumen, die du im Gartenzauber Shop bestellen kannst, findest du auch deine Lieblingssorte.

The Garden Magic Online Shop Planting and caring for anemones
You don't need a garden of your own to grow your own anemone; this plant also thrives in pots. Use high-quality potting soil and clean the pots thoroughly with a pot brush to remove any old plant debris or soil that can harbor fungi and germs. A sturdy planting shovel is also helpful.
To ensure optimal germination and growth, the anemone bulbs should first be soaked in water for five hours and then placed in potting soil until they sprout. Ideally, this occurs at around 15 degrees Celsius and takes approximately two weeks. Once the anemones have sprouted, they should be transplanted into loose, humus-rich soil, additionally enriched with compost, at a depth of about 5 to 7 cm. Choose a sunny to partially shaded location with well-drained soil and keep it evenly moist. Avoid waterlogging at all costs.
Generally, anemone flowers bloom about 3-4 months after planting and remain in bloom for about 4-6 weeks. Early-planted specimens have longer flowering times and longer stems than later-planted ones. Garden anemones are less sensitive to frost and require little care. However, at temperatures around -4°C, they should be protected with fleece.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When can I plant anemones?
The anemone bulbs can be planted in early spring or fall (ideally about 4-6 weeks before the first frost). This gives them enough time to establish themselves before winter sets in. At temperatures below -4 degrees Celsius, they should be protected with fleece or other covering. You can find more information in our Anemone 101 .
Where do anemones thrive?
Anemones thrive in a sunny to partially shaded location with well-drained, humus-rich soil and consistent soil moisture. Heavy clay soils that tend to become waterlogged should be improved with sand to increase permeability. You can find more information in our Anemones 101 .
How do I care for anemones?
A light application of a balanced fertilizer in spring can promote growth and flowering. Avoid excessive fertilizer, as this can lead to excessive leaf production. You can extend the flowering period by regularly removing faded flowers.
How do I harvest anemones as cut flowers for bouquets?
Pruning anemones is straightforward because they have long, branchless stems. It's best to prune them when the buds are still slightly closed. These open during daylight and close again at night. Therefore, it's recommended to harvest in the morning or evening to avoid damaging the open petals.
How long do anemones last in a vase?
Anemones last comparatively long in a vase, between six and eight days. Like tulips, anemones stretch a little further in a vase. The stems may bend overnight, but they will remain straight if they are placed upright in a taller vase or tied in bunches: once under the flower heads and once at the stem ends.