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Field Larkspur

For a romantic summer garden, field larkspur, also known as Consolida regalis or Delphinium consolida, is the ideal choice. With its vibrant blooms in a variety of colors, it adds a graceful touch to your garden and an exquisite touch to floral arrangements.

In our Gartenzauber online shop, you can purchase a select selection of field delphinium seeds. With great attention to detail, we've selected special varieties for you. From delicate shades of pink like " QIS Light Pink " to the vibrant pink " QIS Carmine ," there's something for every taste.

In the Gartenzauber online shop, you can order seeds of the most beautiful delphinium varieties at any time, which will provide a unique display of color in your garden or flowerbed during the flowering season.

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Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  FELDRITTERSPORN - Delphinium consolida `QIS Carmine` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze FELDRITTERSPORN - Delphinium consolida `QIS Carmine` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS Carmine'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Dark Blue` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie, dekoriert mit getrockneten Blumen
Bluehende Pflanze Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Dark Blue` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS Dark Blue'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Fancy Smokey eyes` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Fancy Smokey eyes` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS Fancy Smokey eyes'

Bluehende Pflanze Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Light Blue` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Light Blue` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS Light Blue'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Light Pink` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Light Pink`  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS Light Pink'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Salmon Beauty`  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS Salmon Beauty` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie im Zinkeimer

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS Salmon Beauty'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS White` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Feldrittersporn - Delphinium consolida `QIS White` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Field delphinium - Delphinium consolida 'QIS White'


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Larkspurs are annual plants and therefore need to be re-sown every year. However, after a mild winter, self-sown larkspur seeds may develop and sprout again.

The common field larkspur is a cold germinator and requires a cold stimulus to germinate. The seeds go through a dormant period, which is overcome by low temperatures (usually between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius). To promote germination, sow the seeds in February/March, in the fall, or refrigerate the seeds for 1 to 2 weeks before sowing.

Larkspur is a light germinator and requires light for germination. The seeds should be placed only lightly on the surface of the moist substrate and then only sprayed with water to prevent them from being washed away.

Its upright growth and sturdy stems make it ideal as a cut or dried flower.

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