Field Larkspur
For a romantic summer garden, field larkspur, also known as Consolida regalis or Delphinium consolida, is the ideal choice. With its vibrant blooms in a variety of colors, it adds a graceful touch to your garden and an exquisite touch to floral arrangements.
In our Gartenzauber online shop, you can purchase a select selection of field delphinium seeds. With great attention to detail, we've selected special varieties for you. From delicate shades of pink like " QIS Light Pink " to the vibrant pink " QIS Carmine ," there's something for every taste.
In the Gartenzauber online shop, you can order seeds of the most beautiful delphinium varieties at any time, which will provide a unique display of color in your garden or flowerbed during the flowering season.
Buy Garden Magic Field Larkspur for your summer garden

Order field larkspur seeds and enjoy a floral splendor in your garden
Transform your garden into an elegant oasis full of radiant blooms this summer by sowing delphiniums. In our selection, you'll find exceptional delphinium seeds that will create enchanting summer beds and stunning floral arrangements.
Discover the diversity of the field larkspur and add a special touch to your garden or bouquets with this colorful plant. Our carefully selected seeds offer both tried-and-true classics and rare treasures. The delicate pink flowers of the " QIS Salmon Beauty " create a romantic atmosphere, while the " QIS Dark Blue " adds striking accents in vibrant blue and purple. At the same time, the beautiful blossoms also provide a food source for bees and insects, so by sowing these flowers, you're also doing something good for nature.
Browse our online shop and find your favorite variety – with delphinium seeds from our range, monotony in the garden will be a thing of the past.

The Garden Magic Online Shop Field Larkspur Seeds Sowing and Care
Gewöhnlicher Feldrittersporn ist ein Kaltkeimer und benötigt einen Kältereiz, um zu keimen. Für eine optimale Keimfähigkeit kannst du ihn ab Februar/März direkt ins Freiland säen oder alternativ im Herbst aussäen. Möchtest du später säen, kannst du das Saatgut für eine Woche im Kühlschrank lagern, bevor du es in den Boden bringst.
Säe die Samen auf lockere, nährstoffreiche Erde und drücke sie nur leicht an - da die Samen Licht zum Keimen benötigen. Halte die Erde gleichmäßig feucht, aber vermeide Staunässe. Nach etwa 14–21 Tagen zeigen sich die ersten Keimlinge.
Ein Rückschnitt nach der ersten Blüte fördert eine zweite Blühperiode im Herbst und verlängert die Blütenpracht. Achte darauf, dass alle Pflanzenteile, insbesondere die Samen, Alkaloide enthalten und giftig sind – Vorsicht ist also geboten.
Stöbere auch in unserem umfangreichen Saatgut-Sortiment und entdecke viele weitere Samen, um deinen Garten in voller Pracht erstrahlen zu lassen.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is field larkspur hardy?
Larkspurs are annual plants and therefore need to be re-sown every year. However, after a mild winter, self-sown larkspur seeds may develop and sprout again.
Is field larkspur a cold germinator?
The common field larkspur is a cold germinator and requires a cold stimulus to germinate. The seeds go through a dormant period, which is overcome by low temperatures (usually between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius). To promote germination, sow the seeds in February/March, in the fall, or refrigerate the seeds for 1 to 2 weeks before sowing.
Is field larkspur a light germinator?
Larkspur is a light germinator and requires light for germination. The seeds should be placed only lightly on the surface of the moist substrate and then only sprayed with water to prevent them from being washed away.
Can I dry larkspur?
Its upright growth and sturdy stems make it ideal as a cut or dried flower.