Garden scabious
For romantic summer planting in the garden, garden scabious, or Scabiosa atropurpurea, is the perfect choice. Their delicate blooms in enchanting colors add a touch of romance to your garden and flower arrangements.
In our Gartenzauber online shop, you'll find a carefully selected collection of garden scabious seeds. With great attention to detail, we've compiled special varieties for you. Whether the soft cream tones of " Fata Morgana " or the deep, dark violet of " Black Night " – there's a variety or blend to suit every taste.
Order the seeds of the most beautiful garden scabious varieties directly from our Gartenzauber online shop at any time.
Buy garden magic garden scabious for your summer garden

Order garden scabious seeds and enjoy a splendid bloom in your garden
Transform your garden into a romantic oasis full of vibrant blooms this summer by sowing garden scabious. In our selection, you'll discover exceptional seeds that will transform your summer beds and flower arrangements into true eye-catchers during their blooming season from July to October.
Be inspired by the variety of garden scabious and add a distinctive, romantic touch to your flowerbed or bouquet. Our carefully selected seeds include both tried-and-true classics and rare treasures, perfect for the garden and as cut flowers. From the delicate lilac-blue blossoms of the " Oxford Blue " to the pure white " Snowmaiden " – you'll find the right variety for every taste.
Browse our online shop now and discover your favorites among the numerous Scabiosa atropurpurea varieties. With the garden scabiosa seeds from our range, your garden is guaranteed to become a highlight.

The Garden Magic: Sowing and caring for garden scabious seeds
Gartenskabiosen sind Lichtkeimer und benötigen direktes Licht, um gut zu keimen. Säe die Samen auf lockere, nährstoffreiche Erde und drücke die Samen nur leicht an. Halte Sie die Erde gleichmäßig feucht, aber vermeide Staunässe. Bei einer Keimtemperatur von 15-20 Grad Celsius erscheinen nach etwa 7 Tagen die ersten Keimlinge. Weitere Informationen zur Aussaat und Pflege findest du auch in der jeweiligen Beschreibung unserer Saatgut-Artikel.
Um den Blütenflor bis in den Spätherbst zu verlängern, entferne regelmäßig die verblühten Pflanzenteile von den Stielen. Gartenskabiosen sind pflegeleicht und eignen sich hervorragend als Schnitt- und Trockenblumen.
Schau dir auch unser breites Saatgut-Sortiment an und finde die passenden Samen, um deinen Garten in eine farbenfrohe Oase zu verwandeln.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Are garden scabious plants hardy?
Garden scabious are annual plants and therefore need to be re-sown every year.
Are garden scabious light germinators?
Garden scabious plants are light germinators and require light for germination. The seeds should be placed only lightly on the surface of the moist substrate and then only sprayed with water to prevent them from being washed away.
Can I dry garden scabious?
Yes, you can easily dry garden scabious. Thanks to their upright growth and long stems, they're ideal for cutting and drying. The small, spherical inflorescences look especially pretty in dried bouquets. Cut the stems when the flowers have lost their leaves. Tie them in small bunches and hang them upside down to dry.