Winged sea lavender
For a colorful summer garden, the winged sea lavender (Limonium sinuatum) is the ideal choice. Its colorful blooms in enchanting shades add a romantic touch to your garden and flower arrangements.
In our Gartenzauber online shop, you'll find a select selection of winged sea lavender seeds, carefully selected to offer you the highest quality and best results. We've curated special varieties for you – from the delicate apricot tones of " QIS Apricot " to the deep violet of " Purple Attraction ." There's something for every taste.
Order the most beautiful winged sea lavender varieties conveniently from our Garden Magic online shop at any time and bring a touch of romance to your garden!
Garden Magic - Buy Winged Sea Lavender for your summer garden

Order seeds of the winged sea lavender and enjoy a floral splendor in your garden
Transform your summer garden into a romantic oasis full of vibrant blooms with our exclusive selection of winged sea lavender seeds. Our high-quality seeds transform your beds and flower arrangements into impressive eye-catchers, creating a magical atmosphere. At the same time, as cut flowers, they transform any bouquet into a true eye-catcher.
Be inspired by the variety of our winged sea lavender seeds and add a special, romantic touch to your garden or bouquets. We offer a carefully selected selection of seeds, including tried-and-true classics and rare rarities. Discover the vibrant pink blossoms of the " QIS Rose " variety or the elegant, pure white flowers of the " Forever Silver " variety – you're sure to find the perfect plant for your taste.
Visit our online shop now and find your favorites. With the winged lilac seeds from our range, your garden will become a brilliant highlight this summer.

The Garden Magic Winged Sea Lavender Seeds Sowing and Caring
Geflügelter Strandflieder ist ein Lichtkeimer und benötigt direktes Licht, um gut zu keimen. Säe die Samen auf lockere, nährstoffreiche Erde und drücke die Samen nur leicht an. Halte die Erde gleichmäßig feucht, aber vermeide Staunässe. Bei einer Keimtemperatur von 18-20 Grad Celsius erscheinen nach etwa 7-14 Tagen die ersten Keimlinge. Ab Mitte Mai können die frostempfindlichen Pflanzen des Geflügelten Strandflieders gepflanzt werden.
Verblühtes sollte regelmäßig entfernt werden, damit immer wieder neue Blüten produziert werden können.
Neben Geflügeltem Strandflieder bieten wir dir auch viele weitere Samen in unserem Saatgut-Sortiment, perfekt für die individuelle Gestaltung deines Gartens.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the winged sea lavender hardy?
The plants of the winged sea lavender are annuals and therefore need to be re-seeded every year.
Is the winged sea lavender a light germinator?
The winged sea lavender is a light germinator and requires light for germination. The seeds should be placed only lightly on the surface of the moist substrate and then only sprayed with water to prevent them from being washed away.
Can I dry winged sea lavender?
Yes, you can easily dry winged sea lavender. It's a very popular dried flower and adds color to decorations during the colder months. For dried bouquets, hang them upside down in a cool, ventilated place.