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Kale 'Lark's Tongue' - Brassica oleracea
Kale 'Lark's Tongue' is a medium-sized, robust variety. The dark green, curled leaves are elongated and narrow and not as large as those of other varieties. Their flavor is particularly aromatic and delicate. A sweeter flavor is enhanced when the leaves are exposed to light frost.
Kale is an easy-to-grow winter vegetable that can be harvested from the beginning of frost until spring and is very rich in vitamin C.
All these good qualities make this typical North German specialty a very popular vegetable.
Our high-quality organic vegetable seeds are grown according to the strictest organic standards for a sustainable and healthy harvest.
Pre-cultivation: From May
Planting outdoors: June to mid-July
Germination time: 7-14 days at 15-20°C
Sowing depth: 1 cm, dark germinator
Height: 80-100 cm
Planting distance: 75 x 45 cm
Harvest time: October to March
Soil: moist, humus-rich, calcareous
Fertilization: Organic fertilizer or compost
Location: Sunny, partially shaded
Water consumption: High
Growing tips:
Kale prefers moist, humus-rich, and calcareous soils in sunny or partially shaded locations. The plants are heavy feeders, so it's beneficial to work mature compost into the soil before planting.
The plants are pricked out at the cotyledon stage. It is advisable to grow the cabbage under fine-mesh netting to protect it from pests such as the cabbage leaf fly and the cabbage white butterfly.
In sheltered locations and under snow, the plants can tolerate even subzero temperatures. However, severe frosts cause leaf damage. The plants' sensitivity depends on their maturity, which is why growing them in multiple batches is recommended.
Mixed culture:
Good neighbors: Beans, peas, cucumbers, leeks, radishes, rhubarb, lettuce, celery, spinach and tomatoes
Bad neighbors: potatoes, cabbage, garlic and onions
Traditionally, kale is cooked as a stew and served with smoked meats and sausages. In modern cuisine, it is blanched and often added to pasta or vegetable dishes, as well as in casseroles. Kale is also popular raw as a vitamin boost in smoothies. A brief blanching can help improve digestibility.
Bag contents:
approx. 100 grains
Store in a cool, dry place.