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Sugar pea 'Ambrosia' - Pisum sativum
'Ambrosia' is an easy-care, medium-early sweet pea with a good yield. It is sturdy and therefore requires no trellis support.
Their medium-sized, light-green pods have an intensely sweet flavor. They can be harvested very young, just when the small fruits are beginning to appear inside the pod. The peas that develop later are medium-sized and particularly sweet.
After harvesting, the pods should be processed promptly to prevent bitter substances from forming.
Our high-quality organic vegetable seeds are grown according to the strictest organic standards for a sustainable and healthy harvest.
Sowing outdoors: early April to July
Germination time: 10-20 days at 10-18°C
Sowing depth: 3-5 cm, dark germinator
Height: 70 cm
Planting distance: 30-45 x 3 cm
Harvest time: end of May to October
Soil: humus, loose, moist
Fertilization: not necessary
Location: Sun
Water consumption: Medium
Growing tips:
Peas have low soil requirements and thrive even in poor locations. However, loose, fine-crumbly soil is best. Fertilization before sowing is not necessary. For the peas to swell and germinate evenly, it is important that the soil is consistently moist and regularly loosened. Harvest the pods continuously to ensure the plant continues to flower.
After harvesting, the plant should be cut above the roots and its roots should be left in the soil, as they enrich the soil with nitrogen as they decompose.
Mixed culture:
Good neighbors: dill, fennel, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots
Bad neighbors: beans, onions, garlic
Use the pods raw, cooked, or freeze them. They make a wonderful snack straight from the vine and are also very popular with children. The peas themselves are also a tasty vegetable.
Bag contents:
approx. 16 grams
Store in a cool, dry place.