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Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' - Zea mays

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Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' is a traditional, robust, and vigorous variety. The golden-yellow cobs have a typical corn aroma and are very aromatic. They are generally less sweet than newer varieties. For best quality, they should be harvested at milky ripeness and consumed quickly, as the conversion of sugar to starch occurs relatively quickly (within approximately 8 hours). The long harvest window allows the cobs to be harvested gradually and consumed fresh.

Our high-quality organic vegetable seeds are grown according to the strictest organic standards for a sustainable and healthy harvest.


Pre-cultivation: mid-April to end of May
Direct sowing outdoors: from May to mid-June
Planting outdoors: mid-May to mid-June
Germination time: 7 days at 20°C
Sowing depth: 3-5 cm, dark germinator

Height: 160 - 200 cm
Planting distance: 30 x 50 cm or 40 x 40 cm
Harvest time: from August - October

Soil: deep, loose, humus-rich and calcareous
Fertilization: Organic fertilizer or compost
Location: Sunny and airy
Water consumption: medium

Growing tips:
Pre-cultivation of corn is recommended and should be done approximately 2-3 weeks before planting. It germinates particularly quickly and should be stored in a slightly cooler location afterward.

The soil in the open field should be light and sandy, and certainly not too moist. Plants sown in blocks thrive better than individual, unprotected rows. During the flowering period, adequate watering should be ensured.
It is particularly clever to place the bed to the north or west of the house so as not to shade neighboring beds.

Mixed culture:
Good neighbors: beans, peas, potatoes, lettuce, pumpkin and tomatoes
Bad neighbors: celery and beetroot

When milk ripe, the sweet cobs are suitable for boiling, frying, grilling, or eating raw. For a quick meal, the unpeeled cob can be microwaved for about 6 minutes, turning it halfway through. Carefully peeled, it tastes especially delicious with butter and salt.

Bag contents:
approx. 10 grams
Store in a cool, dry place.

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