Virgin in the Green
For a romantic garden design, the Nigella damascena is the perfect choice. With its delicate blooms and captivating colors, the plant, officially known as Nigella damascena, conjures up a touch of romance in your flowerbed and floral arrangements.
In our Gartenzauber online shop, you'll find a carefully selected collection of Miss Jekyll seeds. With great attention to detail, we've compiled special varieties of this summer flower for you. Whether it's the brilliant white of the "Albion Green Pod" or the delicate light blue of the " Miss Jekyll Sky Blue " – you'll find the perfect variety for your perennial border here.
Design your perennial bed stylishly and romantically: Order the seeds of the most beautiful Jungfer im Grünen varieties easily and conveniently directly from our Gartenzauber online shop.
Buy Garden Magic-Maiden in the Green for your summer garden

Order Nigella damascena seeds for a romantic floral display in your garden
Verwandle deinen Garten in eine romantische Sommeroase mit der filigranen Schönheit der Jungfer im Grünen (Nigella Damascena). In unserem Sortiment entdeckst du außergewöhnliches Saatgut, das deine Sommerbeete und Sträuße von Juli bis September in wahre Hingucker verwandelt. Auch nach der Blüte sorgen die getrockneten Samenkapseln der Jungfer im Grünen für dekorative Akzente in floralen Arrangements.
Erlebe die faszinierende Farbvielfalt dieser einjährigen Sommerblumen und verleihe deinen Beeten und Blumensträußen eine unverwechselbare romantische Note. Unser sorgfältig ausgewähltes Saatgut bietet eine Mischung aus beliebten Klassikern und seltenen Sorten, die sich ideal für den Garten und als Schnittblume eignen. Entdecke die sanft rosafarbenen Blüten der „Miss Jekyll Rose“ oder das tiefviolett-blaue Farbspektrum der „Moody Blues“.
Entdecke jetzt deine Favoriten unter den vielen Varianten der Nigella damascena in unserem Online-Shop. Mit unserem hochwertigen Jungfer im Grünen-Saatgut wird dein Garten garantiert zu einem Highlight.

Sowing and cultivating the garden magic of the Virgin in the Green seeds
Nigella damascena, also known as a cold and light germinator, benefits from a one-week refrigeration before sowing to increase germination. Sow the seeds in loose, nutrient-rich soil and press them down lightly, as they require light to germinate. As soon as the risk of frost has passed, you can plant the seedlings outdoors from mid-May, spacing them 20–30 cm apart. Alternatively, you can sow the seeds of Nigella damascena in February/March or early autumn. Cover the seeds lightly with soil to protect them from being blown away. Nigella damascena is an extremely low-maintenance plant and is ideal as a cut or dried flower. The decorative seed capsules can be beautifully dried after flowering and are used in a variety of ways. Further details on sowing and care can be found in the respective product descriptions of our seed article.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Are lady's mantle plants hardy?
Nigella Damascena are annual plants and therefore need to be re-sown every year.
Are lady's mantle light germinators?
Nigella damascena are light germinators and therefore require light for germination. The seeds should be placed only lightly on the surface of the moist substrate and then only sprayed with water to prevent them from being washed away.
Are lady's mantles cold germinators?
Nigella damascena are cold germinators and require a cold stimulus to germinate. The seeds go through a dormant period, which can be overcome by low temperatures (usually between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius). To promote germination, you should sow the seeds in February and March or in the fall, or store the seeds in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks before sowing.
Can I dry virginia in the green?
Yes, you can easily dry Nigella damascena; they make excellent cut and dried flowers. Simply hang the seed pods upside down in a warm, dark place for 14 days.