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Eggplant 'De Barbentane'
Eggplant 'De Barbentane' is a vigorous, robust outdoor variety from France. Its 20-25 cm long, elongated fruits are characterized by a black, glossy skin. The flavorful, non-bitter eggplants are versatile and can be used fried, boiled, or in casseroles.
It thrives easily in a sheltered, sunny spot outdoors or in a well-ventilated greenhouse. It should be supported and trained with stakes or ropes.
Our high-quality organic vegetable seeds are grown according to the strictest organic standards for a sustainable and healthy harvest.
Sowing indoors/greenhouse: From March
Sowing outdoors: May
Germination time: 15-21 days at 20-24°C
Sowing depth: 0.5-1 cm
Height: approx. 30 cm
Planting distance in the greenhouse in double rows: 75x40-60 cm
Planting distance in the open: 100x50 cm
Harvest time: July until frost
Soil: Deep, humus-rich soils
Fertilization: Organic fertilizer or compost
Location: Sun
Water consumption: High
Growing tips:
Eggplants prefer nutritious, humus-rich soil. Therefore, it's beneficial to work mature compost into the soil before planting. They also require plenty of space and a trellis made of stakes or rope.
Eggplants can also thrive in large tubs or pots in a sheltered spot on the terrace.
The main shoots should be shortened and the side shoots pinched, as otherwise the plant will only produce a large number of small fruits. Regular harvesting is also important to ensure a steady flow of new early fruits.
Ripe fruits have the typical glossy skin, and their flesh is easy to press in. The inside of the eggplant should be light and almost white. If the inside is still greenish, it's not yet ready to harvest.
Mixed culture:
Good neighbors: almost all, especially peas and beans
Bad neighbors: tomatoes, peppers
As a typical Mediterranean vegetable, eggplant pairs well with tomatoes, zucchini, and other Mediterranean vegetables. Enjoy them cooked, as an antipasti, roasted, boiled, in casseroles, or grilled.
Bag contents:
Contents: approx. 24 grains
Store in a cool, dry place.