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Tomato 'Ormato' - Solanum lycopersicum

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Tomato 'Ormato' is a well-ripening, high-yielding cherry tomato. The bright orange, elongated, oval fruits are firm and have a sweet, aromatic flavor. The 'Ormato' is an early variety with an open habit and multi-branched trusses.

Our high-quality organic vegetable seeds are grown according to the strictest organic standards for a sustainable and healthy harvest.


Sowing indoors/greenhouse: mid-February to March
Planting outdoors: mid-May to June
Germination time: 7-14 days at 15-20°C
Sowing depth: 0.5-1 cm, dark germinator

Height: approx. 150 cm
Planting distance: 60 x 80 cm
Harvest time: mid-June to mid-October

Soil: loose, humus-rich, slightly moist, permeable
Fertilization: Organic fertilizer, diluted nettle manure
Location: Sunny, protected from moisture
Water consumption: High

Growing tips:

Tomatoes shouldn't be sown too early, as they can only be planted outdoors after the Ice Saints. Their development time until planting is approximately six weeks. After sowing, it's advisable to cover the seed trays with foil or a cover to create a bright, warm, and humid environment. After germination, the seed trays should be placed in a cooler location and the cover removed. After 2-3 weeks, the plants are pricked out and the roots are trimmed back slightly to stimulate root growth.

Before planting out, it is advisable to place the plants outdoors in a shady, wind-protected place during the day to harden them off.

Before planting, the soil should be thoroughly loosened and amended with compost. A layer of mulch retains warmth and moisture. Regular fertilization with diluted nettle manure every 3-4 weeks during the skin growth phase is recommended. As growth progresses, the plants should be supported and trained, and side shoots should be pinched out. Harvest time is reached once the fruits have acquired their typical color.

Mixed culture:

Good neighbors: garlic, cabbage, kohlrabi, lettuce
Bad neighbors: potatoes, fennel, cucumbers, peas


Tomatoes have become an indispensable part of our kitchen. Eaten raw as a snack or in salads, cooked in sauces or soups, and baked in casseroles or gratins, they simply taste like summer.

Bag contents:

5 grains
Store in a cool, dry place.

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