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Transform your home into a green oasis with high-quality seeds from Gartenzauber! Whether in the garden, greenhouse, on the balcony, or in the living room: flowers and plants enhance any room and bring fresh aromas to the kitchen. If you want to grow your own cut flowers, vegetables, and herbs, high-quality seeds are essential. In our online shop, you'll find a large selection of high-quality flower seeds as well as organic seeds for herbs and vegetables. Our seeds are carefully cultivated and tested on our Bissenbrooker flower farm in Germany. We select only the best varieties and package them with love for you!

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Zur Seitennummerierung

Chard 'Bright Lights' - Beta vulgaris var. Vulgaris


Chard 'Feurio' - Beta vulgaris var. Vulgaris


Bellflower - Campanula medium 'Champion Blue'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Marien-Glockenblumen 'Champion Lavender' Campanula medium aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Marien-Glockenblumen 'Champion Lavender' Campanula medium aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Bellflowers - Campanula medium 'Champion Lavender'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Marien-Glockenblumen 'Champion Pink' Campanula medium aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Marien-Glockenblumen 'Champion Pink' Campanula medium aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Bellflowers - Campanula medium 'Champion Pink'


Garden pea 'Miracle of Kelvedon' - Pisum sativum

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Meerlavendel-  Limonium suworowii 'Pink Pokers'  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie dekoriert mit der blühenden Pflanze
Bluehende Pflanze Meerlavendel-  Limonium suworowii 'Pink Pokers' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Sea lavender - Limonium suworowii 'Pink Pokers'


Carrot 'Lila Lu' - Daucus carota subsp. sativus


Carrot 'Auslese (SG 103)' - Daucus carota subsp. sativus


Carrot 'Dolciva' - Daucus carota subsp. sativus


Molucella laevis

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Mutterkraut - Chrysanthemum parthenium `Tetra White`  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Mutterkraut - Chrysanthemum parthenium `Tetra White` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Feverfew - Chrysanthemum parthenium 'Tetra White'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Mutterkraut - Chrysanthemum parthenium `Vegmo Single` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Feverfew - Chrysanthemum parthenium 'Vegmo Single'


Oregano 'Greek Oregano' – Origanum heracleoticum

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Orientalischer Knöterich 'Cerise Pearls' Persicaria orientalis aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Oriental knotweed - Persicaria orientalis 'Cerise Pearls'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Papierknoepfchen - Ammobium alatumaus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Papierknoepfchen - Ammobium alatum aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Paper buttons - Ammobium alatum


Persian cress - Lepidium sativum


Parsley 'Parsley Green Pearl 2' – Petroselinum crispum ssp. Crispum


Gaura lindheimeri 'The Bride'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Purpur-Leinkraut
Linaria purpurea aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Purple Toadflax - Linaria purpurea

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Purpur-Leinkraut 'Canon Went'
Linaria purpurea aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Purple Toadflax - Linaria purpurea 'Canon Went'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Purpursonnenhut - Echinacea purpurea aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Purpursonnenhut - Echinacea purpurea aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Purple coneflower - Echinacea purpurea


Radishes 'Cherry Belle' - Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus


Radishes 'French Breakfast 2' - Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherokee Sunset Mix' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherokee Sunset Mix' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Rough coneflower - Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherokee Sunset Mix'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Rough coneflower - Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Rough coneflower - Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun'

 Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Sahara' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Rauer Sonnenhut - Rudbeckia hirta 'Sahara' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Rough coneflower - Rudbeckia hirta 'Sahara'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Ringelblume - Calendula officinalis `Ivory Princess`aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Ringelblume - Calendula officinalis `Ivory Princess`aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Marigold - Calendula officinalis 'Ivory Princess'

Vorderansicht Ringelblume `Pazific Apricot Beauty` Calendula officinalis aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Ringelblume `Pazific Apricot Beauty` Calendula officinalis aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie im Zinkeimer

Marigold - Calendula officinalis 'Pacific Apricot Beauty'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Rittersporn 'Magic Fountains' Crystal Mix  Delphinium elatum aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Delphinium elatum 'Magic Fountains' Crystal Mix


Romaine lettuce 'Valmaine' - Lactuca sativa var. romana


Beetroot 'Robuschka' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva


Beetroot 'Tondo di Chioggia' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva


Beetroot 'Wintersonne' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva

Gemuese Pflanze Rotkohl ‘Rodynda’
Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Rotkohl ‘Rodynda’ aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Red cabbage 'Rodynda' - Brassica oleracea

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Rutenhirse - Panicum violaceum 'Green Drops' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie dekoriert mit der blühenden Pflanze
Bluehende Pflanze Rutenhirse -  Panicum violaceum 'Green Drops' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Switchgrass - Panicum violaceum 'Green Drops'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Rutenhirse 'Fontaine' Panicum virgatum aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Rutenhirse 'Fontaine' Panicum virgatum aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Switchgrass - Panicum virgatum 'Fontaine'


Salad 'Wild Rocket' - Diplotaxis tenuifolia


Sage 'Sage' – Salvia officinalis


Sorrel 'Kulutrsauerampfer' – Rumex acetosa

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Schafgarbe 'Summer Pastels' Achillea millefolium aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Schafgarbe 'Summer Pastels' Achillea millefolium aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Yarrow - Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels'


Gypsophila - Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden'


Decorative basket - Cosmos bipinnatus 'Apricot Lemonade'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Schmuckkoerbchen - Cosmos bipinnatus `Apricotta`  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Schmuckkoerbchen - Cosmos bipinnatus `Apricotta` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Decorative basket - Cosmos bipinnatus 'Apricotta'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Schmuckkoerbchen - Cosmos bipinnatus `Cupcakes Blush`  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Decorative basket - Cosmos bipinnatus 'Cupcakes Blush'

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete  Schmuckkoerbchen - Cosmos bipinnatus `Cupcakes White`  aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Bluehende Pflanze Schmuckkoerbchen - Cosmos bipinnatus `Cupcakes White` aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Decorative basket - Cosmos bipinnatus 'Cupcakes White'


Decorative basket - Cosmos bipinnatus 'Daydream'

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Die Aussaat mit unserem hochwertigen Saatgut von Gartenzauber gelingt am besten, wenn Sie die Saat vorziehen. Hier sind die Schritte für eine erfolgreiche Aussaat:

  1. Saatgut vorziehen: Beginnen Sie damit, die Samen in kleinen Töpfen oder Anzuchtschalen vorzuziehen. Verwenden Sie hierfür Anzuchterde und säen Sie das Saatgut gemäß den Anweisungen auf der Verpackung aus. Dies ermöglicht den jungen Pflanzen einen guten Start und schützt sie vor Spätfrösten.
  2. Boden vorbereiten: Während die Samen keimen, bereiten Sie den Gartenboden vor. Lockern Sie die Erde gründlich auf und entfernen Sie Unkraut sowie Steine. Eine feinkrümelige und gut durchlässige Erde ist ideal für die Aussaat.
  3. Pikieren: Sobald die Sämlinge groß genug sind, vereinzeln Sie sie und setzen sie in größere Töpfe um. Halten Sie die Erde gleichmäßig feucht, aber vermeiden Sie Staunässe.
  4. Auspflanzen: Nach den letzten Frostgefahren können die vorgezogenen Pflanzen ins Freiland gepflanzt werden. Achten Sie auf den empfohlenen Pflanzabstand und wählen Sie einen sonnigen Standort, um das Wachstum zu fördern.
  5. Pflege: Halten Sie die Beete unkrautfrei und sorgen Sie dafür, dass die jungen Pflanzen genügend Platz zum Wachsen haben. Regelmäßiges Wässern und Düngen unterstützt das Wachstum und sorgt für gesunde Pflanzen.

Each flower has its own unique requirements and preferences, so the ideal sowing time can vary, but often the optimal period is between March and May. Since the seeds are less exposed to weather and temperature fluctuations during pre-cultivation, this is often easier than sowing outdoors. You can find precise information on when to plant your new seeds in the respective product description.

To ensure optimal germination and growth, you should be careful not to plant the seeds too deeply: In most cases, a sowing depth of about 0.5 cm is recommended. For some seeds, however, a sowing depth of about 1 to 1.5 cm is optimal. Light-germinating seeds are an exception: In these cases, we recommend not covering the seeds with soil and keeping the soil evenly moist with a spray bottle until germination. When planting seeds, always pay attention to the exact cultivation specifications, which you can find on the respective product page. These pages also contain other helpful information and tips.

For the successful cultivation of heat-loving seedlings such as tomatoes , basil , snapdragons , dahlias , and zinnias, it is crucial to maintain consistent temperatures between 22 and 25°C during the initial phase. Once the seedlings are established, they can be kept slightly cooler. Don't start sowing too early in the year, even if you have warm indoor spaces, as there will be insufficient daylight. This could cause the seedlings to become leggy and weak, which could lead to flopping. Sowing too late can also be problematic, as summer flowers will bloom late and the vegetable harvest could be poor.

Cold-germinating seeds are plant seeds that require a period of low temperatures for optimal germination. These seeds benefit from a period of cold weather, which resembles natural processes in nature and is often referred to as stratification. Typical examples of cold-germinating seeds are certain types of perennials, wildflowers, and woody plants. Stratification can be achieved by storing the seeds in the refrigerator for several weeks before sowing. This method simulates natural conditions and promotes uniform seed germination. For successful cultivation of cold-germinating seeds, it is important to follow the specific instructions on the respective product page in our online shop for optimal results.

Pelleted seed is a form of seed in which the seeds are coated with a thin layer of inert material, such as clay or clay powder. This coating serves to facilitate handling and planting of the seeds. It makes the seeds larger and easier to see and handle, which is particularly beneficial for small seeds. Pelleting can also help improve germination rates by providing some protection from environmental stressors and promoting water uptake by the seeds. Pelleted seed is particularly popular for precision sowing in larger agricultural areas and in gardens with high demands on seed quality.

Good seed-starting soil is crucial for the successful start of seeds and young plants. It should be light, airy, and well-drained to promote healthy root development. Look for a fine structure that allows for even moisture distribution without compaction. When purchasing seed-starting soil, it's worth investing in quality to achieve the best results when growing your plants. You should always use fresh seed-starting soil.

Watering seeds and young plants is crucial for their healthy growth. As a general rule, freshly sown seeds should be kept regularly moist without overwatering. Avoid allowing the soil to dry out, as this can impair germination. Once seedlings emerge, watering should be carefully adjusted to avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Young plants also require regular watering, especially during dry or hot periods.

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