Zinnia seeds
Zinnias are the perfect choice for a colorful summer garden. With their graceful blooms in a variety of colors, they not only conjure up a vibrant image in your garden but also add a certain something to floral arrangements.
In our Gartenzauber online shop, you'll find an exquisite selection of zinnia seeds. We've carefully selected special varieties for you, from the soft lime tones of " Envy " to the intense berry tones of " Benary's Giant Wine ," there's something for every taste.
In the Gartenzauber online shop you can order seeds of the most beautiful Zinnia varieties at any time.
Buy Garden Magic Zinnia seeds for your summer garden

Order Zinnia seeds and enjoy these colorful flowers in your garden
By sowing zinnias, you can add colorful accents to your garden, especially when summer blooms in full bloom. In our selection of zinnia seeds, you'll always find special varieties that create beautiful summer beds and colorful flower arrangements.
Create your own personal summer garden or bring new vitality and colorful freshness to your flowerbeds and bouquets with our exquisite selection of zinnias. Thanks to our carefully selected varieties, monotony in the garden is a thing of the past. We have lovingly selected special varieties of flower seeds for every taste and style. The lime-green blossoms of the " Benary's Giant Lime " lend your garden a cool elegance, while the pink, rose, and purple blossoms of the " Zinderella Lilac " add romantic accents.
Thanks to the wide variety of Zinnia seeds that you can order in the Gartenzauber Shop, you will also find your favorite variety.

The Garden Magic Online Shop Zinnia Seeds Sowing and Care
Die Aussaat von Zinnien-Samen ist unkompliziert. Beginne am besten ab März mit der Aussaat drinnen auf der Fensterbank. Streue das Saatgut auf nährstoffreiche Erde und bedecke es mit etwa 0,5 cm Erde, da die Samen Dunkelkeimer sind. Halte die Erde gleichmäßig feucht, jedoch nicht zu nass. Nach etwa 10 bis 14 Tagen sollten die ersten Keimlinge erscheinen. Sobald die Gefahr von Frost vorüber ist, kannst du die jungen Pflanzen ab Mitte Mai mit einem Abstand von 15 bis 30 cm an ihren endgültigen Standort ins Freiland setzen.
Ein regelmäßiger Schnitt kann das Wachstum der Zinnien fördern und die Blütezeit verlängern. Mit regelmäßiger Bewässerung sind Zinnien unkomplizierte Pflanzen.
Neben Zinnien findest du in unserem Sortiment auch viele andere Saatgut-Sorten, die deinen Garten in voller Blüte erstrahlen lassen.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When do zinnias germinate?
At a germination temperature of 18-20°C, zinnias germinate after about 10 to 14 days. To improve the germination rate, it is recommended to sow in a warm, well-lit room or under a grow light. Direct sunlight is not necessary during germination, but sufficient light should be available for seedling growth.
Should I pinch zinnias?
Once the plants are approximately 15 to 20 cm tall, they can be pinched, meaning the main stem is shortened by 1-2 cm with clean scissors. This will make the zinnias bushier and produce more flowers.
How do I harvest zinnias as cut flowers?
Zinnias should only be cut when the stem is strong enough to support the flower. Grasp the stem about 20 cm below the flower and shake it gently. If the stem is limp or very flexible, it is not ready to be cut. If the stem remains upright, the flower is ready to harvest. Zinnias will stay fresh in a vase for up to a week with regular water changes.