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Beetroot 'Wintersonne' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva

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Beetroot 'Wintersonne' is an old, vigorous variety with healthy, upright foliage. The fruits have a smooth, orange outer skin and yellow flesh with light white ringlets. Their flavor is sweet and less earthy. In warmer temperatures, this variety grows relatively quickly and is ideal for both immediate consumption and storage.

Our high-quality organic vegetable seeds are grown according to the strictest organic standards for a sustainable and healthy harvest.


Pre-cultivation: mid-April to June
Planting outdoors: April to mid-July
Germination time: 8-12 days at 12-20°C
Sowing depth: 3-4 cm, dark germinator

Height: 15-25 cm
Planting distance: 10 x 30 cm
Harvest time: July to the end of October

Soil: moist, humus-rich
Fertilization: Organic fertilizer or compost
Location: Sunny, partially shaded
Water consumption: Medium

Growing tips:

Beetroot prefers moist, humus-rich, and preferably loamy soils in sunny or partially shaded areas. It is a medium feeder, so direct manure application before planting is not beneficial. This is better done in the fall, or the soil can be enriched with mature compost before planting. If the plants are growing too close together, they should be thinned out. Because beetroots have deep roots, watering is only necessary during extended dry periods after sowing and during the first few weeks of growth. After that, they can supply themselves with water quite well. When the foliage becomes slightly spotty, it is time to harvest, and the fruits can be carefully pulled from the ground. The green parts can then be carefully twisted off by hand.

Mixed culture:

Good neighbors: lettuce, cucumbers, kohlrabi, bush beans
Bad neighbors: potatoes, corn, chard, spinach, tomatoes


Beetroot is a very versatile and, above all, healthy vegetable. Thinly sliced, or grated and marinated, it's great eaten raw. It also tastes excellent cooked and dressed in a classic salad, and it's also very tasty as an oven-baked vegetable. The 'Winter Sun' is particularly interesting for dishes that shouldn't be overpowered by the intense red juice of the beetroot.

Bag contents:

approx. 100 grains
Store in a cool, dry place.

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