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Vegetable seeds

Transform your garden into a delicious paradise with the special vegetable seeds from Gartenzauber! Whether you have a large garden or a small balcony, we offer a selection of vegetable seeds that will allow you to grow fresh and healthy vegetables right on your doorstep. Our vegetable seeds guarantee a bountiful yield and represent natural, delicious organic quality. Let yourself be surprised by the joy of growing and enrich not only your kitchen but also your garden with a touch of sustainability.

In our Garden Magic Shop, you'll find a carefully selected selection of vegetable seeds, which you can conveniently purchase online. Our lovingly packaged seed packets are ideal for yourself or as a perfect gift for garden and vegetable lovers. Start your own vegetable project today and enjoy the joy of homegrown vegetables!

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Eggplant 'De Barbentane'


Eggplant 'Meronda' - Solanum melongena


Bean Bush bean 'Caruso' – Phaseolus vulgaris


Bean Bush bean 'Creso' – Phaseolus vulgaris


Bean Pole bean 'Helda' – Phaseolus vulgaris

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Brokkoli 'Rasmus' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie Gemuese Pflanze Brokkoli 'Rasmus'
Brokkoli 'Rasmus' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Broccoli 'Rasmus' - Brassica oleracea var. italica


Oak leaf lettuce 'Red Salad Bowl' - Lactuca sativa var. Acephala

Gemuese Pflanze Grünkohl 'Lerchenzungen'
Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Grünkohl 'Lerchenzungen' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Kale 'Lark's Tongue' - Brassica oleracea


Kale 'Nero di Toscana' - Brassica oleracea


Cucumber 'Armenian Cucumber' - Cucumis melo


Cucumber Cucumber 'La Diva' - Cucumis sativa


Cucumber Cucumber 'Tanja' - Cucumis sativa


Pumpkin 'Butternut Waltham' - Cucurbita moscha


Pumpkin 'Green Hokkaido' - Cucurbita maxima


Pumpkin 'Red Kuri' - Cucurbita maxima


Chard 'Bright Lights' - Beta vulgaris var. Vulgaris


Chard 'Feurio' - Beta vulgaris var. Vulgaris


Garden pea 'Miracle of Kelvedon' - Pisum sativum


Carrot 'Lila Lu' - Daucus carota subsp. sativus


Carrot 'Auslese (SG 103)' - Daucus carota subsp. sativus


Carrot 'Dolciva' - Daucus carota subsp. sativus


Radishes 'Cherry Belle' - Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus


Radishes 'French Breakfast 2' - Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus


Romaine lettuce 'Valmaine' - Lactuca sativa var. romana


Beetroot 'Robuschka' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva


Beetroot 'Tondo di Chioggia' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva


Beetroot 'Wintersonne' - Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva

Gemuese Pflanze Rotkohl ‘Rodynda’
Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Rotkohl ‘Rodynda’ aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Red cabbage 'Rodynda' - Brassica oleracea


Salad 'Wild Rocket' - Diplotaxis tenuifolia


Spinach 'Gamma' - Spinacia oleracea


Pointed cabbage 'Chateaurenard' - Brassica oleracea


Tomato 'Black Cherry' - Solanum lycopersicum


Tomato 'Ormato' - Solanum lycopersicum


Tomato 'Primabella' - Solanum lycopersicum


Tomato 'Ruthje' - Solanum lycopersicum


Tomato 'Sunheart' - Solanum lycopersicum


Tomato 'Tica' - Solanum lycopersicum

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete 'Trixi' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie Gemuese Pflanze 'Trixi'
Tomate 'Trixi' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Tomato 'Trixi' - Solanum lycopersicum

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete 'Yellow Submarine' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
'Yellow Submarine' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Tomato 'Yellow Submarine' - Solanum lycopersicum

Tomate 'Zuckertraube' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Tomate 'Zuckertraube' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Tomato 'Sugar Grape' - Solanum lycopersicum

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Zucchini 'Alberello' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Zucchini 'Alberello' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Zucchini 'Alberello' - Cucurbita pepo var. giromontiina

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Zucchini ‘Sativa Auslese’ aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Zucchini ‘Sativa Auslese’ aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Zucchini 'Sativa Auslese' - Cucurbita pepo var. giromontiina


Sugar pea 'Ambrosia' - Pisum sativum

Zuckermais 'Golden Bantam' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie
Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Zuckermais 'Golden Bantam' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' - Zea mays

Vorderansicht Saatguttuete Zwiebel 'Sturon' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie Gemuese Pflanze Zwiebel 'Sturon'
Zwiebel 'Sturon' aus der Gartenzauber-Saatgutserie

Onion 'Sturon' - Allium cepa


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Each vegetable seed has its own specific needs, so the ideal time for sowing and planting varies. The best time is usually between March and May. Pre-cultivation allows for fewer weather fluctuations, allowing for earlier sowing. Detailed information can be found in the product descriptions in the Gartenzauber online shop and on our vegetable seed packets.

To ensure optimal germination and growth, do not plant the seeds too deeply. In most cases, a sowing depth of about 0.5 cm is ideal. For some vegetables, a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm may be better. Light-germinating seeds are an exception: These should not be covered with soil; instead, keep the soil evenly moist with a spray bottle until germination. Further details and tips can be found in the product descriptions in the Gartenzauber online shop and on our vegetable seed packets.

Cold-germinating plants are plant species whose seeds require specific cold conditions to germinate. These seeds go through a dormant period that is broken by low temperatures (usually between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius). If you sow in spring, the seed trays should first be refrigerated for a while to activate the seeds.

Light-germinating plants are plant species whose seeds require light to germinate. Unlike other seeds that germinate in the dark, light-germinating plants must be sown at the surface of the soil or only lightly covered. For best results, keep the soil evenly moist and ensure the seeds receive sufficient light.

The germination rate of vegetable seeds varies greatly. Some seeds, such as radishes, germinate very quickly and can sprout within 5 to 8 days. Other vegetables, such as carrots or onions, require more patience and can take up to 3 weeks to germinate.

To ensure your seedlings grow well and don't compete for space, you should transplant them early. This means that as soon as the first true leaves appear, transplant them either further apart or into separate pots. Make sure the entire root system is properly planted when transplanting.

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